Friday, October 21, 2016

Philippines - Day 4

I went diving this morning.  Apulit has several dive sites.  The one we went to was called "Dragon Head".  The aftereffects of the typhoon could still be seen.  There was stuff floating in the water.  Not trash or debris, just stuff.  Visibility was about 30 ft.  I didn't see much sealife, however there was one little fish that followed us for most of the dive.  Counting the divemaster, there were three of us and the fish would randomly hide behind one diver, then switch to another.

After diving, I had a little time to shower before lunch.  All the meals are buffet.  However, you can have a private picnic or dinner setup in a cabana, on a beach, or in a cave.

Speaking of which, I did the Cave tour in the afternoon.  It was much better than I expected.  I'm glad I brought my camera.  With the help of our guide, I managed to get some good shots.

The tour finished just before dinner.  I went and stuffed myself.  Food coma is starting to set in about now....

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