Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Day 7 - Malaysia

You would think after arriving so late the previous evening, I would want to sleep in late. But nooo, at around 0630, kumi was like “I’m hungry!” So we got up and went to breakfast. The buffet was good. They had a good selection of food. Anantara still is my favorite though.

We didn’t do much else the rest of the day. Toured the resort. Took lots of pictures. Ate lunch. Then stopped by the spa and scheduled an appointment for later. Massage for me. Scrub and massage for kumi. After that we were pretty much done.

We would’ve been done for the night, but we had to do a room change. There was a problem with our room, so the resort immediately moved us. We resettled in. Posted a few updates. Then called it a night.

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