Today started out nicely. Woke up to the sun shining and the temperature already at 80°F.
I went to breakfast around 0830. Usually when I arrive around this time, I can easily get a table next to the window. No such luck this morning. There were a lot of people there. I'm guessing some arrived for the weekend. Others appeared to be checking out. Even though I wasn't next to a window, breakfast was still great.
Later in the morning, I took a bike tour. This was really fun. It was just me and my guide. A woman named Milan, who spoke very little English. (Which is much more than the amount of Chinese that I know.) We went out to the bikes and she adjusted one for me. I tested it out and another older female Chinese tourist noticed the tires were low on air. A situation they immediately remedied. Tires inflated properly, off we went. Milan was great. She pointed out things along the way. I'm guessing she was giving her usual “bike tour” speech. We rode to the Sanya marina. (Another place it seems, that is popular for wedding photos.) I took a few pictures there. We hung around the marina for a bit before heading back to the resort. Along the way back, Milan tried to teach me some Chinese. I learned how say “hello” and the correct pronunciation of a few other things. It was a fun ride.
Of course, I stopped by Ahei when we got back. I didn't even have to tell them my drink this time. They just made what I wanted. Does that make me a “regular?”
I did pretty much nothing the rest of the afternoon. I took a few more pictures. (More weddings happening.) Then I crashed until dinner. Which again was at Baan Rim Nam. This time I had fried rice with pineapple.
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