Friday, September 14, 2018

Day 9 - Siem Reap

Today was Angkor Archeological Park day:  Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, etc.  We left the resort at 0500. The plan was to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat.  A quick stop at the ticket center then off we went.  (Interesting note:  They take your picture as part of the park ticket so it can`t be reused by someone else later.)  We did arrive before the sun rose, but unfortunately, it was cloudy and raining.  It was still a nice view though.  The rest of the day we just visited different sites in the Park.  The Park is huge.  There is a lot to see and do.  We spent over 8 hours here and still did not see everything.  But we did manage to get in a rowing boat tour at Angkor Thom.

If someone was only going to do one day at the Park, I recommend starting early in the morning. You would have a chance to see sunrise at Angkor Wat.  There are less people.  The temperature is cooler.  Also, plan accordingly.  Bring backup batteries or portable chargers for phones and cameras.

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