Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 16 - Phnom Penh

Travel day. Private car to airport. Fly from Phnom Penh to Taipei. Taipei to SFO. BART, Amtrak, Lyft, home.

Day 15 - Phnom Penh

Pretty much a do nothing day before travel.  We got up,went to breakfast, then went back to bed.  I thought about getting another massage.  (Didn't happen.)  We thought about going up to the pool.  (Didn't happen.)  We thought about going  luggage shopping because we may have bought more stuff than would fit in our bags.  (Didn't happen, but that was due ingenious packing on our part.)  However, I did go out to buy snacks for kumi/stop by another bar to have a drink.  (I try to have at least one alcoholic beverage per day while on vacation.)

We did go out that evening.  One of our goals for this trip was to go to Malis Cambodian Restaurant.  There's one in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.  We went to the one in Phnom Penh.  Trip Advisor has it listed as $$$$.  However, while there are some items on the menu that are pricey, there are many other food selections that are much more reasonable.  Everything we had was very good and reasonably priced.  I would go again...  I should probably do a Trip Advisor review.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Day 14 - Phnom Penh

Another tour day.  We started off with a buffet breakfast at the Patio hotel.  After breakfast, we met our driver.  The same service that drove us from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, would also be driving us around today.  The first stop was the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.  The second was the Killing Fields at Choeung Ek Genocidal Center.  We spent three and half hours at Tuol Sleng.  I didn't have the attention span for the Killing Fields so I went back to the hotel.

I got a 90 minute massage back at the hotel.  After which I took a walk around the block.  There is a lot squeezed into this block:  Hotels, bars, restaurants, stores, apartments, etc.  I wonder how many of them do business because they're so hidden away.

I stopped at a restaurant in a hostel, across from our hotel, for lunch.  (I always try to check out restaurants outside of where I am staying.)  It was called Feliz.  It was nice.  Good food and drink.  Reasonable prices.  Good service.  I finished just in time to meet kumi returning from her tour.  Of course, she was hungry, so we went to Feliz...  I had another drink.

Day 13 - Siem Reap/Phnom Penh

Travel day.  We checked out of Anantara Angkor and headed up to Phnom Penh.  We hired a private driver.  This was a convenient and much better way to go.  I think the actual drive from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh takes about 5 hours.  But since we had our own driver, we could make detours.  One stop was the Preah Tis Bridge.  It's one of the few Khmer empire era bridges to haved survived to the modern day.  Another stop was at the Sambor Prei Kuk temples.  They were out of the way, but still interesting.  A few stops and hours later, we arrived in Phnom Penh.

The difference between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh is huge.  Traffic is crazy.  (Stop signs are more of a suggestion than a rule.)  A lot more buildings packed together.  We were staying at the Patio Hotel & Urban Resort.  Although it is in an alley, it is a nice hotel.  Excellent views from the restaurant and pool.  Though if you have a fear of heights, you may not enjoy it as much.